Playoff Rule Clarifications

Jul 25, 2024

The WECSL executive and captains met on Tuesday, and we wanted to share a few notes and clarifications before this week’s final tournament, so we’re all on the same page.

Please arrive early for your games this weekend. We want to start each game on time to give all teams a fair shot at a full game.

Drafting players

Teams that have fewer than 10 players for their Saturday game can request spare players.

On Sunday, spare players are not allowed. Teams must have at least 8 players, and a minimum of 3 women, to field a team.

Teams that need players on Saturday should let Brad, the head ump, know. He will pull players randomly from the list of those who have volunteered. If you would like to be added to the spare list, let your team captain know today.


We have sourced an external ump for the Consolation Final and Championship Final on Sunday. All other playoff games will be umped by WECSL umps.

A reminder: Do not argue calls with the ump. They are making their best judgment call in the moment. Captains and coaches may ask for clarification, but players may not argue or debate calls.

Foul tips

Clarification: If a batter hits a foul ball or foul tip that is caught by the catcher, the ball must clear the top of the batter’s head for it to be called an out. This is not in our rules, but will be added at next year’s AGM.

Balls hit in the outfield grass and trees

Per Rule 28, if the umpire loses sight of a batted ball in fair territory (such as those that roll into the long grass beyond the outfield), they will call a ground rule double.

Clarification: Batted balls that fly directly into the trees without touching the ground will be declared a home run. This is not in our rules, but will be added at next year’s AGM.

Balls out of play

Per Rule 23, if a live ball goes out of bounds (beyond the fence lines or in the trees or workout equipment on the first-base side), the ump will call “dead ball” and award each base runner the base they have safely attained, plus one base. This is true even if the ball has deflected off a defensive player. 

Batted balls that hit a runner

If a runner makes contact with a batted ball that a defensive player has not yet touched, the runner is out. It doesn’t matter if it was intentional or not.

Pitch height

Per Softball Canada rules, balls must be pitched with an arc between 6 and 12 feet.

Keep in mind, the ump doesn’t have a laser measuring tool telling them precisely where 6 and 12 feet are. They make their best judgment in the moment, and do their best to be consistent. We ask that you do not argue these pitch heights. Listen to the ump, abide by their call, and play ball.

Thanks! See you Saturday.